Accommodates 75- 80 Guests $1,975.00
(exact rate based on location and installation)
- All white Fiesta Free Span Tent with globe lights
- White Samsonite chairs
- 60″ round tables (based on 8-10 per table)
- Buffet-food service tables with skirts and covers
- 36″ cake table skirted your choice of color
- 6′ bar
- 9 X 12 dance floor
Linens for all tables. Choice of color.
- Over 80 guests add ………… $20.00 per person+
- Additional Cost Covers
- Larger Tent as needed to accommodate additional guests
- Tables, Chairs, & linens as determined by guest count
- Over 95 count increases dance floor size & bar
Complete design service with scaIe drawing depicting layout
Installation of tent(s), complete set-up according to drawing
Breakdown and removal
BAND PLATFORMS……………….. 60.00 ea ( 4 x 8)
suggested 1- 4 x 8 section for ea band member
use 2 for normal DJ set-up
Chair covers w/sash………………. $5.95 per person
Print pattern linens ………………… $3.95-19.95 per table depending on length
Prices are in addition to package